I Ask You….

I’ve a few questions, which manage to surface everyday. Perplexing and general as they are, maybe if you said something comforting, you might be helping me!

1. Why does Delhi seem so much more unfriendly than I remember it to be?
2. What is wrong with men? Why do most of them have to think with their Ps  instead of their brains?
3. How on earth is Mayawati getting away with such blatant atrocity? Is it guilt of the ‘unjust victor’, a la Israel, all over again?
4. Worse, what is wrong with us? How have we managed to crown her CM? And how did she ever engender dreams of being PM?
5. Why does Delhi seem in a constant state of flux?
6. Where do Hindi news channels find all their breaking news? How do they get away with insulting their viewership of such stupidity, parading shit as vitamin supplement?
7. Why is my brain stuck on the loop needle? Why can’t I forget people, places, moments, conversations? Why do they keep rising up all the time?
8. Why is the weather so horrible?
9. Where is the ‘reality’ in reality shows? Do they all ‘really’ want us to believe that their botoxed, sili-con-ed souls (not to mention much else) are worth the torture?
10. Where does the time go?! (literally n figuratively!)

Go Figure!

15 thoughts on “I Ask You….

  1. Hey…such an innovative post! 🙂 I really like the fact that you have tried to put your thoughts in a new way…n I do find resemblance in most of the questions you have listed. But the best of the lot is the first one, I do find that Delhi is a bit alien to me now…I guess the feeling is pretty common for those who come back to the city after a gap…sad but true! 😦 kudos to you nidhi!!!

  2. Love your post! And you are so right about Delhi, it is sad!
    About breaking news – yesterday a hindi news channel had its camera, on what was clearly a dummy and clamed that it was a “alien dead body.” Inspired by District 9 maybe 🙂

  3. Shishir, thanks. gimme answers! 😛

    A, thanks again. and ha ha. now its not just Bollywood being ‘inspired’ by Hollywood flicks. 😛 entertainment is the buzzword, i say. for the rest, who really cares?

  4. Q 1. Why does Delhi seem so much more unfriendly than I remember it to be?
    A 1. a) You are not in college (north campus)
    b) I am not in Delhi anymore
    c) Delhi was always unfriendly, you had friends who made it friendly. Now some friends have turned foes and some friends are not in Delhi.

    Q 2. What is wrong with men? Why do most of them have to think with their Ps instead of their brains?
    A 2. They think with their Ps-That is what is wrong with them. ( I am not competent to answer the second part of the question)

    Q 3. How on earth is Mayawati getting away with such blatant atrocity? Is it guilt of the ‘unjust victor’, a la Israel, all over again?
    A 3. She is making the atrocities seem like dandy things.

    Q 4. Worse, what is wrong with us? How have we managed to crown her CM? And how did she ever engender dreams of being PM?
    A 4. You have not crowned her CM. People who voted have. Democrary in India is mainly confined and limited and biased against the educated. (For details refer to my forth coming blog post)

    Q 5. Why does Delhi seem in a constant state of flux?
    A 5. Delhi is a dynamic city. It keeps changing, hence it appears to be in a state of flux. ( Electricity flows through a solenoid only when it is in passing through a magnetic field i.e. is in a state of flux)

    Q 6. Where do Hindi news channels find all their breaking news? How do they get away with insulting their viewership of such stupidity, parading shit as vitamin supplement?
    A 6. They do not get the news, they make it up.
    They get away with it because most viewers view the news as entertainment and not as news per say. Watch news for its entertainment value and not for the sake of news itself.

    Q 7. Why is my brain stuck on the loop needle? Why can’t I forget people, places, moments, conversations? Why do they keep rising up all the time?
    A 7. You can not forget becasue you have a good memory. You can not forget becasue you had good times with people but now “people” have turned bad/demented/rotten/retarted/cheap etc.

    Q 8. Why is the weather so horrible?

    Q 9. Where is the ‘reality’ in reality shows? Do they all ‘really’ want us to believe that their botoxed, sili-con-ed souls (not to mention much else) are worth the torture?
    A 9. There is no reality in reality shows. Reality shows are as real as the idea of well being in the book 1984-George Orwel.

    Q 10. Where does the time go?! (literally n figuratively!)
    A 10. Time goes in doing things, productive and unproductive (literally)
    TIme goes in to the bottemless abyss (figuratively)

  5. Nothing is changed much seems like our choices are different now then how it used to be !

    One can’t generalise about how & why men think from Ps but it’s good observation I guess.

    Very creative post !

  6. 1. Cz it is, Its getting worse by the day. I feel that too, n i havent even left yet.
    2. Blame it on pollution, of all sorts.
    3. After a point, the people who should, do not care. the indifference is beyond Depressing.
    4. We did so by not doing much about the class disparity. She has been tripping on that. One ugly Bi*** she is. And she dreams cz we still discriminate. So hurrah for the pig.
    5. cz the aggression is growing by the hour, new cars are sold by the hour, the weather gets uglier by the hour, schools get snootier by the hour, and we all get a little more poor by the hour.
    6. Lets write to Rajat Kapoor. Alot of us still watch Ektaa Kapoor. So why cant aliens abduct cows in the United States. Its not the beef they eat, you see.
    7. Cz you are a beautiful, sensitive person and people, things, moments and conversations were real for you, not a charade, not a sham.
    8. Global warming. Blame USA again.
    9. Its in the fact that we would really watch it, even if here is Rakhi sawant everywhere to give doubts. Channel [v] was all that was left. thats down the drain too. Goodbye Indian television.
    10. i believe- time doesn’t go, it flows, upstream and downstream. If i go back 30 years back. the moment would still be on. If i studied enough to be a scientist, and really pay physics the attention i would have loved to, i would have researched on my thoery of time.
    Figuratively, It goes “poof”!

    thanks for this post. 🙂

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